Monday, January 26, 2009

a lot on this momma's plate

Well I am feeling very overwhelmed. I have behavior problems with my 11 year old step son and he is not doing well in school. This in itself is frustrating! What do I do to help him understand not only that his behavior affects other people and gives him a "bad" name but also how inportant school is. If this is not enough we just found out on Thursday that my 41/2 year old has a cateract on her eye and needs to have eye surgery. After the surgery she will need to wear glasses to read forever. I know that God is in control but I am feelining like Peter on the water...I am sinking and reaching for Jesus to grab my hand and save me from drowning. LORD please help me see your hand in all things.


Kelli Peterson said...

Michelle - I'm so sorry that things are so tough for you right now! Know that I love you and am praying for you! Lookin' forward to touchin' base tomorrow!

Rachel said...


I think about you and Kayloni a lot. I am praying for you. I know the Lord has all things planned for good, let's wait on the Lord and rest in Him!

Love you,