Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Well I can't believe that tomorrow is THanksgiving already. I am going to take time and reflect on what I am truley thankful for...not stuff but people and situations in my life. The first thing I am thankful for would have to be a Loving savior. I can't believe on so many days how much he really loves nme flaws and all he created me. I am the person I am because of Jesus Christ. Next I am thankful for my husband, Greg. He drives me crazy sometimes but he is so generous, kind, and caring that I am proud to call him mine. On top of these great traits he is a great dad to our kids. I'm not sure I tell him enough how much I love these things about him. Next, my kids, Creston, Kayloni, Tobyn, and Nolan. They all try my patience many times a day but I love each of them. They help point out thing I do and the way I act that I want to change, they also do the same about things I want to encourage them to follow in my wake with. Finally I am thankful for my parents. My mom and dad are great! THey have taught my so many valuable lessons in life. I am so blessed and I hope and pray that I never forget that this Christmas season.